North shore loading terminals - photo by Oker
The June 13th mass was, hands down, the largest ride we've had yet - 60 midnight loving bike freaks turned up to roll.
After some initial confusion as to our destination a small but determined 'lets ride to burnaby' faction was outvoted (ahh democracy) and we set out once again for stanley park. The route took us down Adanac to Main, North to the ocean where we looped under Canada place and the cruise ship terminals. We followed the water along coal harbour until posseing up for refreshements and some flat tire fixing at the mouth of the Stanley park seawall. Around the wall (with some of us riding up to prospect point, simply to bomb the dark dark dark road out), and then to Seigel's bagels on Cornwall for delicious bagely goodness. Huge thanks to Oker and Mike Fuller for their fine photographic work. Go check their flickr sites - there's some amazing stuff there.

trying to decide where it is we will roll this week. At this point, the burnabies still have it. This week, come armed with your ideas of where to ride. (photo - Mike Fuller)

Chilling out before hitting the stanley sea wall - anthony and sascha check out Mark's rad fixie (and his radder drink holder). (photo - Mike Fuller)

(photo - Oker)

(photo - Oker)


(photo - Oker)

(photo - Oker)

Fixin' a flat - it took like 5 people to deal with this bastard of a tire. (photo - Oker)

Obligatory hot scotch shot...(photo - Oker)

and other refreshments... (photo - Oker)

Cruisin' around stanley - check out the tail lights! (photo - Mark Fuller)

Watch for bikes! There were 3 of those crazy kids with ski suits on. Freaking awesome. (photo - Mike Fuller)

(photo - Mike Fuller)

(photo - Mike Fuller)
Finally we cruised on to 24 hour eats - in the form of seigel's bagels.

(photo - Oker)

(photo - Oker)

Mark shows off his moves. (photo - Oker)

And this fellow shows off his new midnight mass button - products of Adam and Chris B's work (they rock guys, thanks!)(photo - Oker)