This week's ride was the warmest in months. Its about god damn time too - too many soggy, or worse, sub-zero rides start to weigh on the spirit, if not our poor drivetrains. A solid turnout of around 30 riders came out to worship clear skies and 'balmy' (ok, well, better) night air. Charles brought his radio to premier his new Midnight Mass playlist (taking requests over at The Fixed Vancouver forum).
Rhiannon told us she knew of a secret park far over on the west side that was accessible only through alleys and had an impressive view of downtown, and we passed navigational duties on to her. One small hiccup, when at Main and 12th we stopped to wait for a few riders who'd made a minor detour to exchange bikes (skylar's 20" BMX was no match for the pace we were setting). Unfortunately the mass somehow got split, with the larger portion powering off towards the West, leaving a few stragglers who were disconnected from the posse. We gave chase and eventually caught up deep on the other side of town, but it came up that we need to work on our group riding skills. Keeping an eye on who is behind us, and how far; calling out CAR and CLEAR at blind intersections; maintaining a pace that everyone can match - these are all things that make the ride hold together, that make us a Mass and not a mob.
Anyhow, once everyone was joined back up, we had a mini portage,

before finding the park. Please excuse my crappy excuse for photography - the view was nice, but looks like you'll have to see it with your own eyes to actually appreciate it.

Next stop was the Jericho Pier - somewhere we've never gone before. The air was warm and the sights spectacular. We chilled.

From Jericho, it was a natural to bump over to the Naam for some latenight eats. MMMMM, miso gravy.

Bike Polo is still scheduled for this weekend (1pm, Grandview Park Tenis courts), despite the exodus of a mass of bikelovers to Portland Oregon for the 4th annual Minibike Winter Olympics. If you attended the Bikes Inside party, the Minibike Thunderdome Alley Kitten Afterparty, or have ever met a Zoobomber, you know how crazy mini bike mayhem can get. Portland's maniacs have been coming up with bizarre and entertaining ways to hurt themselves, claim eternal glory, or both for years; this year, Project B, MC3, and rowdy Vancouver bikers of a variety of stripes look to stir things up and bring home some gold - wish us luck!
Just checked the weather south of the border - looks like rain... CLEARING UP FRIDAY MORNING, AND STAYING THE HELL GONE UNTIL LATE SUNDAY NIGHT... looks like they knew we were coming!
Next Midnight Mass is Thursday, Feb. 22nd - Grandview Park at 11:45. See you there.
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