For comfort (it seems to be getting a tad chillier these days) perhaps show at the park with your clothes on and we'll drop to the skivvies right before we ride..
Heavy duty planning and excitement in the road up to the Vancouver Velomutation Bikelove weekend! Thursday the 21st of September right on through to Sunday the 24th are four days packed with more bike fun than you can shake a stick at. Expect the opportunity to meet and greet bikers from Victoria, Seattle, Portland, and perhaps even farther flung locales! So far, the lineup looks like this:
)))Thursday the 21st - Bike movies and Midnight Mass!
)))Friday the 22nd - The First International ALLEY KITTEN mini bike courrier style race (more details on this wild event coming soon)
)))Saturday the 23rd - Bicycle CARcass sports at Strathcona Park - Speed Freaks Alley Cat race, also starting at Strathcona park. (reg/start time TBA) - and the Main Event - VELOMUTATION, THE PARTY! Featuring performances by Vancouver's own B:C:Clettes and Brakes (all boy mini bike burlesque..!), as well as portland's original Sprockettes. Dont miss this party. (pedal play shop, 194 w. 3rd ave. Enter thru the alley - 9pm until late)
)))Sunday the 24th - Mini Bombing down large hills? Also, possible Polo?
For more info on this wild and crazy weekend of bikelove, check out the brand spanking new Velomutation weekend blogsite:
Sunday's Polo at the Little 100 went smashingly, and we've got some new converts. We'll be trying to get this stuff going regularly into september so that we can get some practice in and field a couple of teams with a chance to compete against the Yanks when they come up here for Velomutation. To get on the polo updates email list, hit me up at midnightsimon))at((
Last ride's photos & recap!
All photos this week by our talented shutterman, Oker - Check out his flickr site. (Thanks once again Oker!)
This week we had about 35-40 riders, and ventured East for only the second time ever. First time Masser (B:C:Clette, and full time bike babe) Rhiannon led us out to a super-secret location that blew everyone's mind!
The Meet & Greet at Grandview Park:

Bombing the drive:

And the Grassy Fields of New Brighton Park:

Of course, New Brighton does have a pool...

But after getting the hairy eyeball from the security guard, we decided it was perhaps time to roll out:

Then Rhiannon took us to the refinery - a steep climb followed by a ride through a dark, dark, dark gravel path in the forest (this was pretty sweet actually). Riding eastward to an unknown location had an added benefit of keeping the group solid and together - usually, riders peel off at variying stages of the ride as they get tired, or start to think about work the next day a little too much. This ride, however, we kept virtually everyone with us once we'd crossed east into burnaby. It was pretty cool to have that cohesion.

Rolling westward again, the group began to break up on hastings st. A pack of us managed to roll to Pizza garden together, however, for tasty 2 am Pizza..

So come roll with us again this week - who knows where we'll end up. 11:45 @ Grandview park, ride @ midnight. Bring your undies.
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Thanks for sharinng this
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