Hey Speedsters-
Need a bikelove oriented, non-corporate, DIY, Midnight Mass logo addition for your bike and favourite gear?? Kati J and Midnight Simon carry on them: One inch buttons, One-point-two-five inch buttons (made by the fabulous Plan B Chris), Patches hand made by Simon and Spokecards!!!! We ask for minimum donations to break even on the cost of production.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Bike Light Hackery & Minibike Madness
It might be getting darker later and later, but the night time is still always the right time for midnight massers. Tomorrow, PedalPlay will be hosting a workshop on bike light hackery - how to chop, solder, and build your own bike lights. Sounds pretty boss to me, and a great way to make your night ride that much sexier. Check out this communique from Jim of Pedal Play for more details:
Pedal Play Presents
Bike Light Hack Workshop
Take a standard white LED bicycle headlight and modify it for fun.
Change the colour of the LEDs. Attach them to your bike bag, your
helmet, a hat or to a part of your bicycle. You will learn basic
soldering skills, as well as rudimentary electronic principles. No
experience necessary, but be prepared for fine detail work with small
hand tools.
Taught by Ian Patterson
Everyone welcome!
$1O plus materials(around $6.50)
Thursday Mar 29
7 pm til 9pm
194 w3rd (alley Entrance)
604 875 8679
Mini Bike Army at Critical Mass
Mini bike troops gather at Critical Mass on Friday March 30 in vancouver. ride together. bring noise makers. be prepared for foolishness. we're not traffic, we're spectacle!
Pedal Play Presents
Bike Light Hack Workshop
Take a standard white LED bicycle headlight and modify it for fun.
Change the colour of the LEDs. Attach them to your bike bag, your
helmet, a hat or to a part of your bicycle. You will learn basic
soldering skills, as well as rudimentary electronic principles. No
experience necessary, but be prepared for fine detail work with small
hand tools.
Taught by Ian Patterson
Everyone welcome!
$1O plus materials(around $6.50)
Thursday Mar 29
7 pm til 9pm
194 w3rd (alley Entrance)
604 875 8679
Mini Bike Army at Critical Mass
Mini bike troops gather at Critical Mass on Friday March 30 in vancouver. ride together. bring noise makers. be prepared for foolishness. we're not traffic, we're spectacle!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
New Background
By the way, you may have noticed the new background here at the MM blog - its courtesy of the photographic handywork of Wendell Challenger (aka Wease) over at www.fearlessgearless.com - a great local node for bike biz of all varieties - swing by and check it out!
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Summer Series
So Saturday night I went out and checked out the first event of the Summer Series, a monthly series of fixed gear events and competitions. Hats off to Duncan and Nick Cee for throwing down and putting up a great event. This city just keeps getting better.
This is what I managed to capture
This is what I managed to capture
Monday, March 19, 2007
Burnaby Lake or Bust
Well, last week we went insane.
Yes, insane. Despite the rain, we had a vocal faction push push push for BURNABY MOUNTAIN. Oh yes, Burnaby Mountain. There were a some groans and moans, but the Burnaby plan won out and folks bucked up and pushed it. We rode down to Broadway and pushed it East to the Lougheed Highway aiming for SFU. Of course, this plan was far to insane to actually work, but it was just crazy enough to get us to a beautiful new destination - Burnaby Lake. In retrospect it might have been a bit too much of a push, but standing on the dock out in the middle of the lake, I felt pretty good.
Before I get on with the photo recap, I want to bring up an issue that several people have approached me with - that being the speed of MM rides, and some issues around group dynamics. There has been a very interesting discussion on the topic on the Fixed Vancouer Forum (you don't have to be a member to read it - go have a look), but it boils down to some people feeling uncomfortable with the pace of some rides and that as a whole the group is not cohering at crucial times.
I want all people to feel comfortable coming to Midnight Mass, and that means people on freak bikes and BMXs, people new to biking, people with old beaters they've just salvaged, messengers, bike nuts, fixie kids, and fast riders. Some folk have mentioned to me that they feel that the pace being set by our fastet riders is compromising the cohesion of the group as a Mass. Others have suggested to me that we just leave the sprinters to separate and push themselves ahead and let the mass cruise behind them. There is no easy solution to this issue, however I'll say that my major concern with having the sprinters just push out ahead and let everyone else just ignore them is that there are always a variety of riders at the mass, some of them new to the whole thing and some of them who just don't know the sprinters and their habits. As a result, in practice, the pace of the ride (intentional or not) tends to be bumped up as some people try and keep the sprinters in sight, and the rest try and keep up with those wh are trying to keep the sprinters in sight. At the end, the newer or weaker riders, or those on bikes less mechanically efficient (yes, many of us have switched to road bikes and fixies, but ALL bikes are welcomed and, in fact, variety is encouraged at Midnight Mass). I understand where the sprinters are coming from - it IS fun to ride fast - and I want everyone to have fun at mass, certainly - but my feeling is that this is a group ride that specifically targets itself to bikers of all abilities. What makes it the midnight mass is that we are a mass, not a streched chain (though I think those who have pointed out that last week this problem was particularly exacerbated by the route we took).
I'm not advocating specifically for a slow ride or a leisure cruise or something, but I do believe that we need to make an effort to accomodate the ability of the slowest rider in the pack. That means that some rides will be faster, and some slower depending on who shows up - a rainy night where the hardcores are there might be a good hard push across town, and a balmy clear night where someone on a cruiser with ape hangers and 3 new kids who pulled their rusy old mountain bikes from under mom's portch will of necessity be a slower, more chilled ride. We've never had to ditch someone because they couldn't keep up before, and that to me is a point of pride and a symbol of what MM is about. Yes, its about riding - but its also about meeting new people, finding new places, chilling out, building community and just creating a fun atmosphere. Besides, there are lots of opportunities for the all of the sprinters to get their engines revved around town- hey fixie happens every week, fast nights every 2 weeks, and the rushour races (find out about all of these rides at fixedvancouver.com.
As I mentioned above, there is no simple solution here and this is something that we as a group will need to adress, particularly as the Mass grows as the summer months approach. In the mean time, I think those at the front of the ride need to make an effort to keep one eye on how far you are ahead of folks, and to stop and mass up at stoplights, at the top of and at the bottom/runout of big hills. Being a group is what makes this ride work!
Anyway, enough with the serious talk, and on to the photos from the last ride!
Here we are bombing Lougheed... Red Sara here is on her virgin MM ride! Welcome Red!

After a good push down Lougheed, we stopped for a rest and beverage break underneath a burnaby overpass. Huzzah for trains!

It was at this point that we decided that climbing the mountain was perhaps, under the circumstances, not the best idea. Everyone was damp, and more than a few riders were a little burnt out. We decided instead to hit a shorter destination, and rolled south to Burnaby Lake. Despite the grim weather, it was worth it for what we got... This is a place we will definitely have to visit in the summer time.

Hot scotch was drank, the view admired, and shivers shivvered.

Soon we hit the road again and rolled Van-ward. At Boundary Road, those of us who weren't too cold or tired or didn't have to get up at some absurd hour the following morning hit up the 24 hour Knight and Day for 3 AM breakfast, onion rings, and desert. mmmmmmm.

Join us this week for the next Midnight Mass - Thursday March 22nd. Meet at 11:45 pm,
Grandview Park (Charles St at Commercial Drive, across from Havana and Turks), roll at midnight. Come ride with us and find out what it's really about.
In other bikenews - check out the following great stuff this weekend!
Saturday, March 24

Speak out against the gateway project and assert the presence of a bike community in Surrey!
The date and time is set for 3:30pm on Saturday March 24, rain or shine, meeting in the plaza outside the Central City tower (the big tower at Surrey Central Skytrain). There is a VACC meeting that ends at 3pm just across the street in the North Surrey Recreation Centre building.
Flyers and posters available for download at:
or http://surreycriticalmass.blogspot.com
Planning and promotion is taking place on the new Surrey Critical Mass email list. If you'd like to join, or if you live in Surrey, please email mailto:surrey-request@lists.velolove.bc.ca?subject=subscribe . You can also signup online at http://lists.velolove.bc.ca/mailman/listinfo/surrey
*~~Bicycle CARcass III~~*
Sunday, March 25
An Afternoon of Bike Sportage & Funtasy in the Republic of East Vancouver.
Sunday, March 25 2oo7, 1:00 pee emm at Strathcona Park (on Venables, 4 blocks East of Clark)
Roster to include:
~ The Whip-Lash ~ The Tubes of Despair ~
~ The Excalibur Challenge ~ The Foot-Down Derby ~
~ The Blind Race ~ Capture the Grub ~
~ The End of the World as You Glue It ~
~ The Panty Race ~ The Ecar Ytnap ~
~ The Balloon Smack-Down ~
~ Silliness ~ Contusions ~
And of course... *~The Bicycle CARcass~*
bikes + rugby = nine-one-one
Free, Vegan-friendly, Kids welcome. Costumes encouraged. Open to Fighters, Lovers & Spectators.
Any ol' bike will do. Wear armour or die. And maybe bring duct tape.
For more information, go to http://bicyclecarcass.blogspot.com
And, last but not least, Chopper Sundays/ Freak Bike Sunday Sessions continue at the pedal play shop - I dropped in this weekend to check it out and got a sneak peak of Morgan's new Tallbike in progress!

Drop by the pedal play shop (194 3rd avenue - Alley entrance... Look for the 'Pedal Metal Studios' sign) sundays to check it out!
Thats all for now, see you cats on the road.
Yes, insane. Despite the rain, we had a vocal faction push push push for BURNABY MOUNTAIN. Oh yes, Burnaby Mountain. There were a some groans and moans, but the Burnaby plan won out and folks bucked up and pushed it. We rode down to Broadway and pushed it East to the Lougheed Highway aiming for SFU. Of course, this plan was far to insane to actually work, but it was just crazy enough to get us to a beautiful new destination - Burnaby Lake. In retrospect it might have been a bit too much of a push, but standing on the dock out in the middle of the lake, I felt pretty good.
Before I get on with the photo recap, I want to bring up an issue that several people have approached me with - that being the speed of MM rides, and some issues around group dynamics. There has been a very interesting discussion on the topic on the Fixed Vancouer Forum (you don't have to be a member to read it - go have a look), but it boils down to some people feeling uncomfortable with the pace of some rides and that as a whole the group is not cohering at crucial times.
I want all people to feel comfortable coming to Midnight Mass, and that means people on freak bikes and BMXs, people new to biking, people with old beaters they've just salvaged, messengers, bike nuts, fixie kids, and fast riders. Some folk have mentioned to me that they feel that the pace being set by our fastet riders is compromising the cohesion of the group as a Mass. Others have suggested to me that we just leave the sprinters to separate and push themselves ahead and let the mass cruise behind them. There is no easy solution to this issue, however I'll say that my major concern with having the sprinters just push out ahead and let everyone else just ignore them is that there are always a variety of riders at the mass, some of them new to the whole thing and some of them who just don't know the sprinters and their habits. As a result, in practice, the pace of the ride (intentional or not) tends to be bumped up as some people try and keep the sprinters in sight, and the rest try and keep up with those wh are trying to keep the sprinters in sight. At the end, the newer or weaker riders, or those on bikes less mechanically efficient (yes, many of us have switched to road bikes and fixies, but ALL bikes are welcomed and, in fact, variety is encouraged at Midnight Mass). I understand where the sprinters are coming from - it IS fun to ride fast - and I want everyone to have fun at mass, certainly - but my feeling is that this is a group ride that specifically targets itself to bikers of all abilities. What makes it the midnight mass is that we are a mass, not a streched chain (though I think those who have pointed out that last week this problem was particularly exacerbated by the route we took).
I'm not advocating specifically for a slow ride or a leisure cruise or something, but I do believe that we need to make an effort to accomodate the ability of the slowest rider in the pack. That means that some rides will be faster, and some slower depending on who shows up - a rainy night where the hardcores are there might be a good hard push across town, and a balmy clear night where someone on a cruiser with ape hangers and 3 new kids who pulled their rusy old mountain bikes from under mom's portch will of necessity be a slower, more chilled ride. We've never had to ditch someone because they couldn't keep up before, and that to me is a point of pride and a symbol of what MM is about. Yes, its about riding - but its also about meeting new people, finding new places, chilling out, building community and just creating a fun atmosphere. Besides, there are lots of opportunities for the all of the sprinters to get their engines revved around town- hey fixie happens every week, fast nights every 2 weeks, and the rushour races (find out about all of these rides at fixedvancouver.com.
As I mentioned above, there is no simple solution here and this is something that we as a group will need to adress, particularly as the Mass grows as the summer months approach. In the mean time, I think those at the front of the ride need to make an effort to keep one eye on how far you are ahead of folks, and to stop and mass up at stoplights, at the top of and at the bottom/runout of big hills. Being a group is what makes this ride work!
Anyway, enough with the serious talk, and on to the photos from the last ride!
Here we are bombing Lougheed... Red Sara here is on her virgin MM ride! Welcome Red!

After a good push down Lougheed, we stopped for a rest and beverage break underneath a burnaby overpass. Huzzah for trains!

It was at this point that we decided that climbing the mountain was perhaps, under the circumstances, not the best idea. Everyone was damp, and more than a few riders were a little burnt out. We decided instead to hit a shorter destination, and rolled south to Burnaby Lake. Despite the grim weather, it was worth it for what we got... This is a place we will definitely have to visit in the summer time.

Hot scotch was drank, the view admired, and shivers shivvered.

Soon we hit the road again and rolled Van-ward. At Boundary Road, those of us who weren't too cold or tired or didn't have to get up at some absurd hour the following morning hit up the 24 hour Knight and Day for 3 AM breakfast, onion rings, and desert. mmmmmmm.

Join us this week for the next Midnight Mass - Thursday March 22nd. Meet at 11:45 pm,
Grandview Park (Charles St at Commercial Drive, across from Havana and Turks), roll at midnight. Come ride with us and find out what it's really about.
In other bikenews - check out the following great stuff this weekend!
Saturday, March 24
Speak out against the gateway project and assert the presence of a bike community in Surrey!
The date and time is set for 3:30pm on Saturday March 24, rain or shine, meeting in the plaza outside the Central City tower (the big tower at Surrey Central Skytrain). There is a VACC meeting that ends at 3pm just across the street in the North Surrey Recreation Centre building.
Flyers and posters available for download at:
or http://surreycriticalmass.blogspot.com
Planning and promotion is taking place on the new Surrey Critical Mass email list. If you'd like to join, or if you live in Surrey, please email mailto:surrey-request@lists.velolove.bc.ca?subject=subscribe . You can also signup online at http://lists.velolove.bc.ca/mailman/listinfo/surrey
*~~Bicycle CARcass III~~*
Sunday, March 25
An Afternoon of Bike Sportage & Funtasy in the Republic of East Vancouver.
Sunday, March 25 2oo7, 1:00 pee emm at Strathcona Park (on Venables, 4 blocks East of Clark)
Roster to include:
~ The Whip-Lash ~ The Tubes of Despair ~
~ The Excalibur Challenge ~ The Foot-Down Derby ~
~ The Blind Race ~ Capture the Grub ~
~ The End of the World as You Glue It ~
~ The Panty Race ~ The Ecar Ytnap ~
~ The Balloon Smack-Down ~
~ Silliness ~ Contusions ~
And of course... *~The Bicycle CARcass~*
bikes + rugby = nine-one-one
Free, Vegan-friendly, Kids welcome. Costumes encouraged. Open to Fighters, Lovers & Spectators.
Any ol' bike will do. Wear armour or die. And maybe bring duct tape.
For more information, go to http://bicyclecarcass.blogspot.com
And, last but not least, Chopper Sundays/ Freak Bike Sunday Sessions continue at the pedal play shop - I dropped in this weekend to check it out and got a sneak peak of Morgan's new Tallbike in progress!

Drop by the pedal play shop (194 3rd avenue - Alley entrance... Look for the 'Pedal Metal Studios' sign) sundays to check it out!
Thats all for now, see you cats on the road.
Friday, March 09, 2007
Upcomming Radness
Well, it seems like you can't swing a dead cat these days without hitting a kickass weekend of bike partying or some rad new bike event. And that's a good thing! The latest and greatest comes from our beloved friends in Victoria...
In the words of Triane, Recyclista and Velovixen extraordinaire:
Did you miss out on your high school prom?
Did you go but wish it never ended?
Do you hate proms but love your bike?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to find yourself a date for the
Bike Rider's Ball
A Recyclistas and Bike Lab Event
Friday April 27 – Wednesday May 2
Bike Inspired Art Show, Race, Rides, Dance Troupes, Bike Polo, Live Music, Costumes, Food and one heck of a Prom. This weekend bash is to raise money for the Bike Lab Society's Youth Programs. Be there!
More information to come.
We are seeking bicycle inspired art submissions for the art show. Interested? Contact me at bikelabsociety(at)gmail(dot)com
Also on the horizon: Freakbike Sundays! In the words of Jim:
Missing the smell of molten metal
The sweet sizzle of vaporizing steel
the sirens song of the angle grinder
Brought to you by the miracle of unemployment
Sailor Neale, Jim H and Maitland Wright
!!Freak Bike!!
Sunday Sessions
Starting March 11
Every Sunday Afternoon between 12-4 pm or til whenever.
Staffed by Jim and/or Sailor Neale
Race Minis, Choppers, Utility Bikes, Trailers or Chariots
Got an out of the ordinary idea we will give it a shot.
Some materials readily available
Welding and consumable donations
sought and accepted graciously
Hourly rate applicable/negotiable
You know the addresssss
194 w 3rd ave in the alley
Watch for special editions in the near future
The return of
Closer to Heaven Tallbike Workshop
In the words of Triane, Recyclista and Velovixen extraordinaire:
Did you miss out on your high school prom?
Did you go but wish it never ended?
Do you hate proms but love your bike?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you may need to find yourself a date for the
Bike Rider's Ball
A Recyclistas and Bike Lab Event
Friday April 27 – Wednesday May 2
Bike Inspired Art Show, Race, Rides, Dance Troupes, Bike Polo, Live Music, Costumes, Food and one heck of a Prom. This weekend bash is to raise money for the Bike Lab Society's Youth Programs. Be there!
More information to come.
We are seeking bicycle inspired art submissions for the art show. Interested? Contact me at bikelabsociety(at)gmail(dot)com
Also on the horizon: Freakbike Sundays! In the words of Jim:
Missing the smell of molten metal
The sweet sizzle of vaporizing steel
the sirens song of the angle grinder
Brought to you by the miracle of unemployment
Sailor Neale, Jim H and Maitland Wright
!!Freak Bike!!
Sunday Sessions
Starting March 11
Every Sunday Afternoon between 12-4 pm or til whenever.
Staffed by Jim and/or Sailor Neale
Race Minis, Choppers, Utility Bikes, Trailers or Chariots
Got an out of the ordinary idea we will give it a shot.
Some materials readily available
Welding and consumable donations
sought and accepted graciously
Hourly rate applicable/negotiable
You know the addresssss
194 w 3rd ave in the alley
Watch for special editions in the near future
The return of
Closer to Heaven Tallbike Workshop

Tuesday, March 06, 2007
International Women's Day

FYI, the next Midnight Mass falls on International Women's Day. We'd like to encourage all you bikers to whom IWD has something to say to come out and ride bikes with us this Thursday.
Bikes did contribute to the emancipation of women, after all.
As per usual, Thursday, March 8th, at Grandview Park on Commercial and Charles. Meet at 11:45pm, roll at midnight.
I hope to see all you feminists on the road!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Burnaby Redux
Well, last week we decided to rock it East again - for only the third or fourth time ever. On our trip to portland a couple of people noticed how the Zoobomber's 'Legoland' playground had some similarities to the playground we had once visited out in Central Park. It was a nice night so we decided to pack it in for the haul and roll east to play.

Marlo shows off her new fixie..

on the road..
When we got to the playground, however, to our dismay we found that the tree house and series of connecting walkways we remebered from last fall:


Theories on the missing architecture abounded, but the best one I heard was that the badass windstorms this winter destroyed a bunch of trees in the park and possibly took out the fort too. Lame.
Fortunately the ever popular ROLLERSLIDE wasn't gone.

Some nearby trees also attracted attention - After some deliberation, Nag Mike decided to try and get his bike up there...

There was the usual hangouts and madness,

before we rode on looking for food. Someone said 'Pancakes' and it was on. 24 hour pancakes, watch out, the midnight mass is comming.
Turned out the 24 hour joint in question was Binos.
Yes, Binos - that 'family diner' with the dirty off beige and brown sign that was an object of ridecule and derision to all of us as teenagers. Heh, Binos. Anyhow, turns out they actually make and sell food there (think Denny's, if Denny's with the Ghetto factor cranked all they way to 11)

You wouldn't believe me about the menu if I didn't show you:

More chillin and illin, pancakes, sausages, and tea.

And what would drunken 3am breakfast be without some hot girl-on-girl action?

Our server was pretty tollerant considering he was dealing with a sudden mass of 25 or so drunken and rowdy dirty bikers rolling in and packing the joint. He had us all written down by description - 'grey hat & glasses', ect.

Eventually we filled up on hashbrowns and other greasy breakfast substances and trickled out into the world and off to our respective homes.
The next ride is THIS THURSDAY - MARCH 8th. Come ride with us!

Marlo shows off her new fixie..

on the road..
When we got to the playground, however, to our dismay we found that the tree house and series of connecting walkways we remebered from last fall:


Theories on the missing architecture abounded, but the best one I heard was that the badass windstorms this winter destroyed a bunch of trees in the park and possibly took out the fort too. Lame.
Fortunately the ever popular ROLLERSLIDE wasn't gone.

Some nearby trees also attracted attention - After some deliberation, Nag Mike decided to try and get his bike up there...

There was the usual hangouts and madness,

before we rode on looking for food. Someone said 'Pancakes' and it was on. 24 hour pancakes, watch out, the midnight mass is comming.
Turned out the 24 hour joint in question was Binos.
Yes, Binos - that 'family diner' with the dirty off beige and brown sign that was an object of ridecule and derision to all of us as teenagers. Heh, Binos. Anyhow, turns out they actually make and sell food there (think Denny's, if Denny's with the Ghetto factor cranked all they way to 11)

You wouldn't believe me about the menu if I didn't show you:

More chillin and illin, pancakes, sausages, and tea.

And what would drunken 3am breakfast be without some hot girl-on-girl action?

Our server was pretty tollerant considering he was dealing with a sudden mass of 25 or so drunken and rowdy dirty bikers rolling in and packing the joint. He had us all written down by description - 'grey hat & glasses', ect.

Eventually we filled up on hashbrowns and other greasy breakfast substances and trickled out into the world and off to our respective homes.
The next ride is THIS THURSDAY - MARCH 8th. Come ride with us!
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