A solid 20-25 riders showed up for the last mass of 2006; a good turnout considering how many people were out of town or put off by the cold weather! Seeing as we were saying goodbye to a good year, we took it upon ourselves to do a bit of a tour of some classic Midnight Mass locales.
Thanks also this week for photographic contributions from Josh Young, who runs his own photoblog. I've included some of his pictures here, but to see the whole set from our ride, be sure to check out his blog: http://babymonster.photoblog.com/user/babymonster/2006/12/28/
Morgan of Project B showed up (though not to ride with us) on his crazy stunt trike. WTF! We expect to see mastery of some good tricks soon Morgan.

From the park we hit the road and cruised southwest...

(this one & her friend came all the way from Edmonton just to ride MM! well... okay, they came all the way from Edmonton and they rode MM - whether or not we were the focus of the trip might be debatable...)
our destination: the super-secret DATE TREE. One of vancouver's oldest and best climbing tree, it features a spectacular view of the city, as well as a couple of SWING SEATS up at the top. Where is it you ask? I guess you'll just have to befriend a midnight masser...
(the view from above)

We kicked it at the tree for a while...

Before heading out to that old classic MM haunt, the Crescent... AKA, the GhettoDrome

Again, we kicked it...

A few drinks were drunk, races raced, new friends made.
And then we booked it westward once more, to the cold cold shores of Jerchio beach. Along the way, we had only one minor misshap... (don't ask me how this happened.)
At the beach, we chilled for a while (literally), and huddled for warmth.

It wasn't long before someone suggested we book it to a nearby place that could supply warmth and or food in some pleasing combination, and, taking our location into account, it was pretty obivious we hit up our oldschool feedlot, the Naam.
Skyalar attempted to push us father west... but was outvoted by frozen toes.

Moreover, our good and faithful server seemed to be in high spirits, and not the least put off by our 2 am ambush - they must be getting used to us by now (or we are tipping well enough.. remember kids, tip your midnight food and beverage purveyors well, for they are the glue that hold us together! or at least they've got a monopoly on the sutff...)

Well, that's it for last week's ride. Nick Cee gave me a headsup on a new 24 hour joint we can hit up next week, which I'll suggest as a direction to ride when we get to the park. All y'all keep your brains workin' and show up with some suggestions too. Until then, ride hard and don't let the weather get you down!
BIKE POLO IS TOMORROW 12/1pm start time at the Grandview Park tenis courts. Alas, I shan't be there this week (still getting back on schedule after les holidays), but everyone else will. be there, bring yo' bike.
I've edited and updated the links on the right hand sidebar - included is now a link to a YouTube Playlist of midnight mass vidoes! Click Here to see 'em.
If you have a link that you think is relevant (blogging bikers? rides? gangs? ect..) and would like to be added, hit us up with it!
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