Hardcore because they showed up to ride when it was -10 out before the windchill.
Hardcore also because those who did show up were frozen solid right to the core, and, unfortunately, will likely never completely thaw out.

After meeting up in the park and freezing our respective bits off, we decided it was time to get moving to get the blood a flowin'. There was some discussion of taking the ride down to the fraser river, but it was decided to be far too cold for anything that ambitious and so we settled on missioning to the Langara Golf Course up at 49th and Ontario.
Along the way we had our first casualties - KTJ and Tim fell back due to insufficient warming gear. Midnight mass is awesome - but its not so awesome that its worth frostbite. Alas.
On to the golf course we rode, in hight spirits despite the biting cold.

I was wearing full fingered gloves, but it wasn't enough. note my stylish sock hands.

We arrived at the golf course, hopped the fence, and crunched around in the snow and enjoyed some hot drinks to revitalize our spirits and thaw our frozen internal organs.

By this point, even those of us with two pairs of socks on were beginning to grumble about how we'd like to keep our toes (if for nothing more than sentimental attachment), and so we packed up and rolled to Fraser and 49th where we'd been tipped off about a new 24 hour joint.
Hot cider, hot chocolate, and tasty eats. The perfect cure.

Thats it for the last ride - but be sure to come out and ride with us again this thursday January 25th - meet at 11:45, roll at midnight!
1 comment:
that place has amazing cake...brownie burst or something..and a cute poster on the cork board in the back "DOG WALKER: Will walk your dog. Lots of experience. My favourite animal is dogs.Age:12 3$ an hour"
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